BIS & SBIS Aust. Grand Ch. Gengala Supertramp


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Effie Effie

D.O.B. 14th June 1994 - Litter sister to Aust. Ch. Gengala Speed Trap

Pedigree of BIS & SBIS Aust. Grand Ch. Gengala Supertramp

Aust Ch Gengala High Speed Aust Ch Aboukir High Priority Aust Ch Kabiks The Candidate (Imp. U.S.A.) USA Ch Kabiks The Challenger
Kabiks Ariel
Aboukir Brazen Sooty Aust. Ch. Quom Star Spangl'd Banner
Aust Ch Aboukir Supernatural
Gengala Popsicle Aust Ch Taj Mahal Thunder Down Under (Imp. U.S.A.) USA Ch Sephira Amra Shah of Taj Mahal
USA Ch Sephira Firebird of Bancarl
Aust Ch Gengala Westside Story Aust Ch Kabiks Limelite of Aries (Imp. U.S.A.)
Aust Ch Aries Blonds Havmorfun
Aust Ch Gengala Chances Are Aust Ch Aboukir High Priority Aust Ch Kabiks The Candidate (Imp. U.S.A.) USA Ch Kabiks The Challenger
Kabiks Ariel
Aboukir Brazen Sooty Aust. Ch. Quom Star Spangl'd Banner
Aust Ch Aboukir Supernatural
Aust Ch Gengala Westside Story Aust Ch Kabiks Limelite of Aries (Imp. U.S.A.) Kabiks Overnight Sensation
Kabiks Diamond of Tenille
Aust Ch Aries Blonds Havmorfun Aust. Ch. Quom Star Spangl'd Banner
Aboukir Magic Empress